Name :
6/4/2014 7:50:55 PM
Review :
Great product is my 2nd one
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7/23/2013 11:46:57 PM
Review :
I bought a PPDM1 that arrived yesterday. It looks great, and the heart monitoring strap feels fine. Used the heart monitor on my 11 mile bike ride today, and it worked great. It was easy to hear the tones when I got out of my zone, and the display was easy to read with my hands on the handlebars. It took a little noodling to find out that running the birth year past 2013, from the 1980 it started with, would cause it to roll back to 1900, from which I could advance it to my birth year. Now the automatic functions using my age will work correctly. A note in the instruction manual says the body fat function is only active if the training intensity is more than 120bpm. Since that is 1 beat less than the top of my cardio zone, I wont get much use from it. It would be nice if it worked for us older folks, but it isnt a necessary function.
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5/21/2013 10:09:20 PM
Review :
Product is well worth the money.
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3/27/2013 2:35:58 PM
Review :
A bit hard to set up but after printing out the manual, it was a snap
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2/21/2013 4:05:55 PM
Review :
Useful product to keep me on track for losing weight.
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12/18/2012 6:42:01 PM
Review :
First page mentions A, C or D buttons without identifying the buttons.
Name :
12/18/2012 8:01:51 AM
Review :
needs better instructions
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12/22/2011 5:56:03 PM
Review :
I haven't had this system for a long time, but so far I'm really pleased at how much you get for such a reasonable price. Just be prepared to do some conversions for weight and height. Other than that, easy to use once you go through the entire steps. WOuld recommend:)
Name :
8/9/2011 12:19:53 PM
Review :
This is a decent product for both the individual just starting to work out and the experienced athlete. Plenty of settings to to gauge your performance and help you excel. The only downfall is the user manual. With all the options in this product, the manual is very tiny and has to pack a ton of information in a hard to read reference manual.